Monday, March 28, 2011

We Played Cards at the Gym

Aren't we lucky?  Our trainer really knows how to show us a good time!  Here's how the game went:
After a 20 minute warm up (walk/jog intervals), Jeff pulled out a deck of cards.  He explained that each suit represented a different exercise.  When he pulled a card out we would do the exercise that suit represented the number of times listed on the card (for example, 8 of hearts=8 push ups).  The four exercises were push-ups, jumping jacks, leg lifts (lie on your back and lift both legs to 90 degrees, then lower them back to the ground), and squats.  The two jokers were 2 minute runs on the treadmill.  We went through the whole deck.  (Jacks were 11 reps, Queens 12, Kings 13, Aces 14).  We ended our little game with 20 minutes of intervals on the bike (where Darin is still trying to get the mileage past 3.99.  We think it might be rigged!).  At the end of the night my legs were jello, my arms were shaking and there was sweat covering my whole body.  I felt really weak...until Jeff did the math for us.  We did 104 of all of the exercises, totalling 416 reps.  At that point I felt really strong!  The card game was a fun way to switch things up; although I'll admit there were times throughout the game that were less than fun (like when we got a push up card three times in a row, totalling 25...yikes).  

In other news, my comments aren't showing up on your blogs (other 100 day heart challenge participants).  I have commented on all of your blogs.  They show up, and then when I go back to read a new entry my comment is no longer there.  I'm trying to get it worked out because I feel like I'm getting to know all of you better and I want to show my support of your's just not working.  So...until it gets worked out, know that I love reading your blogs and love to see you on Thursday mornings! :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just Keep Swimming

As I wait for the scale to tell me that I'm working hard, I need to remember that progress is being made.  I have been reading a blog called Fit to the Finish.  It is written by a woman who lost 150 + pounds in about 14 months and has kept it off for over 12 years.  It is so inspirational to read about her journey and see her before/after photos.  The blog post I read today was just what I needed.  Here is my list of progress:
*My wedding ring fits!  It hasn't fit in over 2 years
*My jeans are getting baggy.  The other day I was at the store with my 12 year old daughter and I looked at her with a huge smile and declared, "My pants are falling off!"  She thought I was weird but I didn't care. I was so excited. 
*I am getting much better at portion control (especially for sweets).  This is huge for me. 
*I am learning that beating myself up for not having a perfect eating/exercise day is counter-productive.  It is much better to accept that I still have things to learn, try to learn them and realize that it's all part of this journey and I'm getting closer to my goal.
*I have finally decided that plateaus will be overcome, but only if I "just keep swimming".  If I stop, the plateau will turn into a hill again and I will have to swim harder to get over it.  It's much better to keep going than to stop and start all over again.
*My endurance has increased.  Every time Jeff increases the mph on the treadmill or asks us to run a little longer or do an exercise we haven't done, I always think "There's no way".  And then I do it and it feels really good (afterward).  My heart is healthier and I can feel it.

I know there are good changes happening, I just need to keep remembering the victories that are not measured by the scale or evident by looking at me.

Here is a link to the Fit to the Finish blog:

Monday, March 14, 2011

Meet the Fam

These are the people I get to spend every day with, and I love them dearly. Even though my very best push- myself-to-the-limits, feel-like-I-want-to-throw-up workouts happen in the gym,  I am learning that exercise doesn't have to happen in a gym or with headphones on.  I have had so much fun lately playing basketball and Just Dance with my kids.  Both are great workouts for all of us, and we are creating memories at the same time!  Today I just wanted to remind myself that this challenge is about so much more than just me.  It is forming healthy habits in our family and that makes me very happy!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Last Tuesday I had one of those days.  The morning brought an incident of road rage (I was the victim, not the perpetrator).  Let's just say that a double handed flipping off and the yelling of a not so kind phrase had me a little bit down.  Later that same day my car stopped working. While I was driving.  I was alone and in high heels.  I turned the car off and tried to re-start it.  No go.  I had my hazards blinking, but I think most people thought I was trying to turn (I was on a very busy street and coasted to a stop in the turn lane).  I tried to get out and push it and steer at the same high heels.  You can imagine how that turned out.  I mean, I'm getting strong, but not quite that strong.  It wasn't until someone drove up behind me waiting to turn that anyone realized I needed help.  The girl that was behind me was a young mom.  She said she would help me push.  She left her little boy in the car and started pushing.  At first when we started pushing the car started going backward.  So we pushed a little harder and we started going forward. I had the driver side door open and pushed and steered around the corner.  The sight of two women pushing got people's attention and two other guys joined the cause.  After they were assured that I had a ride (Darin was on his way), they all left.  Darin came and drove me home.  Later a neighbor helped us tow the car to the mechanic.  Fuel pump.  $550.00. Awesome.  By dinner time I had a pounding headache and felt very blah.  We were supposed to go work out with Jeff and working out was the last thing I wanted to do.  I wanted to revert to my cave and hibernate. We went anyway and guess what?  It was amazing.  I felt so good afterward.  I realized that of all the things to regret, working out will likely never be one of them.  I can't imagine saying, "I really shouldn't have worked out."  It makes me feel better physically and emotionally.  It clears my head.  Pushing myself to the limit feels incredible.  I hope I can remember this after the challenge is over...when I don't have someone waiting for me at the gym and it's up to me to decide that it is always worth it to make time for working out.